Why Do You Ride?
Vision :

Establish an annual bicycle ride where everyone who participates rides a route of their own choosing, and rides for a cause or charity of their own choosing. We all ride on the same day, second Saturday after Labor Day, and under the same banner, The Beach Ride.

Goals :
  • Ride for a cause. One of your own choosing.
Sure we could all use the exercise and if that is the only reason you want to ride then so be it. But give it a little thought, there must be something you could donate your time or money to. Epilepsy Foundation, colon cancer, breast cancer, autism, The Children's Room, heart disease, homeless, local school, town park clean up project. You decide how much and to whom you donate.

  • Push yourself both physically and mentally beyond what you think you are capable of
What am I thinking here? I will give you an example. I see the ups and downs my daughter has to deal with because she has Epilepsy. I have also seen the terrible toll cancer imposes on people. If these individuals can push themselves mentally and physically beyond what anyone should have to endure, and they do this every day of their lives. Then we can push ourselves one day out of the year. Even then we still will not have any idea what someone with real issues is going through.

  • Feel some amount of pain and joy during the ride
No pain no gain. That which does not kill you only makes you stronger. Fill in your favorite cliche here and see reasoning in previous goal.

  • Create your own route (or join an existing one) and pedal your bicycle past a beach
I can't think of anything that allows me to forget about everything, clear my mind and bring me into the moment better than the painfully cold water and the roaring waves found alone the beaches of the New England coastline. The ocean is a powerful reminder of how small we as individuals can be so it just feels right that a day of riding/reflecting and donating is connected to the water. My route goes past 50-60 miles of coast line and beaches. I am sure you can find a lake or some body of water near by. If not, make the route longer or pedal past a neighbors pool.

  • Everyone ride on the same day and make this an annual event.
There has to be some common point we can all rally around, the name and the date. The second Saturday after the US Labor Day has already been established as the Beach Ride date. Join us. You have the entire summer to get ready. Start training.

  • Create an acronym with the letters B E A C H for your ride and cause
There has to be some common point we can all rally around, the name and the date. For me the BEACH Ride stands for Because Epilepsy Awareness Can Help. Try and come up with your own acronym using the letters B E A C H. Personalize the Beach Ride for your own motivation.

  • Take a moment to reflect on why you are riding and how your small gesture may help
If you push yourself long enough and hard enough. If you push yourself beyond what you think you are capable of. If you are riding for a cause which is near and dear to your heart or some one close to you. If you do all of this I am guessing the moment will creep up on you, without you knowing it. It may not happen while you are riding. It may be weeks later. But at some point you will realize that donating of yourself, your time, and/or your money does make a difference. You will help someone you never met, without knowing it. You will inspire some else, without knowing it. You will make a difference. And it can start today, right now, by me asking you...

"Why Do You Ride!"
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